Safeguarding Policy

Last reviewed: October 2024

Policy Statement

To comply with legislation and fulfil statutory responsibilities, Love4Life must ensure that every member can live free from abuse, exploitation, and fear of aggression and/or violence.

This policy applies to:

  • All employees and volunteers of Love4Life.
  • People impacted by Love4Life's work activities.


  • Abuse: Behaviour that causes harm, endangers well-being, or violates rights.
  • Examples of Abuse: Abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, financial, discriminatory, neglectful, or in the form of domestic abuse, FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), modern slavery, etc.
  • Adults at Risk: Individuals aged 18+ who are at risk of harm due to their care and/or support needs.
  • Safeguarding: Protecting people's health, well-being, and human rights to ensure they live free from harm, abuse, and neglect.

Who Must Do What – Responsibilities

Managers must ensure:

1.1 The safety of any adult at risk by integrating safeguarding strategies in organisational systems.

1.2 Any safeguarding concerns reported are fully investigated.

1.3 All staff receive information, instruction, and training regarding the Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy.

1.4 All Love4Life members are provided appropriate support in the event they disclose any

allegation of abuse experienced or they have an allegation made against them

Love4Life Coordinators must ensure:

1.5 All staff in contact with vulnerable people/people at risk have been DBS checked.

1.6 All staff receive relevant safeguarding training, including a refresher training every 3 years. The Safeguarding Lead receives appropriate training every 2 years.

1.7 A copy of the local authority's Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy and Procedure is accessible to staff (Hampshire, Coventry, London).

1.8 Documentation and personal data are confidentially handled in line with the Information Governance Policy.

1.9 Allegations of abuse are taken seriously and thoroughly investigated.

1.10 Immediate action is taken to prevent further harm when necessary.

1.11 Relevant authorities are notified promptly (Local Authority/Police/etc).

1.12 Where appropriate, inform the individual's family of concerns raised.

Employees and Volunteers must ensure:

1.13 Complete safeguarding training, including local authority procedures.

1.14 Report concerns to the General Manager.

1.15 Support the rights of individuals to lead independent lives based on self-determination.

Named Safeguarding Leads:

  • Safeguarding Lead: General Manager – Hazel Squibb Email: Responsible for overseeing reporting, recording, and referral of safeguarding incidents to further authorities
  • Trustee Safeguarding Lead: Jon Altham Contact via PA to the Love4Life Trustee Board:

How This Should Be Done - Love4Life Procedures


2.1 This policy supports Love4Life’s commitment to safeguarding adults at risk. We act appropriately to any allegations, reports, or suspicions of abuse.

Safeguarding Principles:

2.2 Love4Life works towards making safeguarding personal, with a 'do with' rather than 'do to' approach.

2.3 We adhere to the six safeguarding principles:

  • Empowerment - Encouraging autonomy and informed consent.
  • Prevention - Taking proactive measures to prevent harm.
  • Proportionality - Offering responses that are appropriate to the level of risk.
  • Protection - Supporting those most in need.
  • Partnership - Collaborating with local communities.
  • Accountability - Transparent safeguarding practices.

Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS)

2.4 All Love4Life staff and volunteers must pass enhanced DBS checks and reapply every 3 years.

2.5 Love4Life follows strict DBS policies for assessing staff and volunteer. Applicants to be members of Love4Life are assessed on their suitability, requiring a reference from a professional that knows the applicant, including the applicant’s last employer.

2.6 Staff are subject to annual DBS checks via the DBS Update Service.

2.7 Evidence of misconduct leading to harm will result in a referral to the DBS barred list, even if the person is no longer employed.

Risk Profiles

2.8 All concerns about an individual's welfare must be reported to a line manager.

Information, Instruction, and Training

2.9 All staff receive training to identify abuse and understand response protocols. Training occurs within the first 12 weeks of employment. A refresher training is required every 3 years for staff.

2.10 All staff receive regular meetings with the General Manger (the safeguarding lead) to discuss any safeguarding concerns

2.11 All staff attend a 2 weekly team meeting to discuss safeguarding requirements and reminders of best practice

Occurrence Reporting - Suspected Abuse

2.12 Suspicions of abuse must be reported promptly and confidentially to the General Manager. Concerns about the general manager should be reported to an alternative senior manager,

2.13 Suspicions of abuse should not become general knowledge. People should only be informed of suspicions/accusations on a need-to-know basis, to protect the right to confidentiality of the people concerned.

For Information

The Adult Safeguarding Team within the local Social Service Department will gather information to decide if a full investigation is necessary. If it is decided that there must be a full investigation as part of an adult protection inquiry (Section 42 HSCA Inquiry), this may be carried out by police officers, relevant members of the Social Work team and COC Inspectors. Any potential evidence must not be tampered with.

Where the suspected abuser is a member of Love4Life staff the General Manager will contact the Human Resources (HR) Department at FitzRoy for advice and act in line with the Disciplinary Procedure.

All safeguarding matters will be dealt with confidentially. However, if the issues concern evidence of a crime, or unacceptable risk, this may be shared with the appropriate authorities

Individuals requiring support beyond the scope and expertise of Love4Life will be directed or referred to professionals equipped to meet their needs.

All Love4Life applicants will undergo a reference check upon joining. Individuals who

disclose a criminal conviction or caution will be assessed on a case-by-case basis to determine their suitability for Love4Life membership.

When members enter relationships, coordinators will oversee the dating process according to the Dating Policy and offer continuous support to each individual involved. Any concerns will be documented through the occurrence reporting system, and any crimes or suspected crimes will be reported to the police.

If an alleged incident reported to the police is deemed "unusual" for Love4Life, the General Manager will coordinate with the Lead Safeguarding Trustee to inform the Charity Commission and notify any funders supporting Love4Life.

The General Manager will conduct a monthly review of all safeguarding incidents across the Love4Life charity. Additionally, quarterly reports on safeguarding trends and patterns will be prepared and assessed by the Lead Safeguarding Trustee, ensuring alignment with Love4Life’s Policies and Procedures for effective risk management.

After a serious safeguarding incident, the General Manager and Lead Safeguarding Trustee will review the incident and prepare an updated report with key learnings for the Love4Life Board of Trustees. This report will be shared with funders and documented in the Love4Life Safeguarding folder.